The Panasonic Trust Fellowships for Master’s Students

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The Panasonic Trust Fellowships for Master’s Students

The Fellowships is to provide financial support to selected graduate engineers wishing to study full-time Masters’ degree courses in subjects with a bias towards energy, sustainability, infrastructure, environmental technology and water resource engineering. Each Fellowship has a financial value of £8,000.

The award of a Panasonic Trust Fellowship eligible for an individual as follows :

  • be a UK citizen;
  • be qualified to degree level in engineering or a closely related discipline;
  • have membership at any grade of a professional engineering institution accredited by the Engineering Council as a licensed member institution;
  • have some industrial experience, which may be from a sandwich course work placement or a ‘year out’ before commencing university;
  • not be in receipt of an EPSRC or other award to study the respective course.
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Each Fellowship has a financial value of £8,000 and is payable in two parts: £6,000 is paid upon registration with the remaining £2,000 payable upon successful graduation.
Awardees who successfully complete their studies will be eligible for the award of a Panasonic Trust Silver Medal; those graduating with distinction being eligible for the award of the respective Gold Medal.

Study Subject: Energy, Sustainability, Infrastructure, Environmental Technology and Water resource engineering
Employer:The Panasonic Trust
Level: Master’s
Scholarship Application Deadline: 28 July 2011

Visit Official Website.

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