Informatics Masters Scholarships, University of Sussex, UK
Informatics Masters Scholarships (2012)
Up to seven scholarships are available with a value of £3,000.
Type of award: Postgraduate Masters
Award amount: Reduction in tuition fees of £3,000.
Scholarships will be awarded to international students who possess the highest academic ability and potential, on the following Masters degrees:
- Advanced Computer Science MSc
- Computing with Digital Media MSc
- Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems MSc
- Human-Computer Interaction MSc
- Information Technology with Business and Management MSc
- Intelligent Systems MSc
The scholarships are awarded on academic merit and not on the basis of financial need.
To be eligible, you must: be applying for one of the above Masters degrees; commence the degree in October 2012 (awards cannot be deferred to subsequent years); and be classified as paying “overseas” (non-EU) tuition fees. Current Sussex undergraduate international students are eligible to apply. If you are awarded one of these scholarships you may not also hold a Chancellor’s International Scholarship. Awards will be made at the discretion of the Department.
To apply, complete the:
Informatics Masters Scholarship Application form [DOC 67KB] or
Informatics Masters Scholarship Application form [PDF 105KB]
When completed, send your scholarship application form to the Informatics Programme Co-ordinator (contact details below). Please note that you should not apply for a scholarship until AFTER you have submitted a corresponding application for a place on one of the above Masters degrees.
- Closing date: 1 May 2012
- Notification to first choice applicants: 8 June 2012
- Notification to successful short-listed applicants: after 22 June 2012
- Scholarship payment date: on registration
- Payment method: reduction in tuition fees of £3,000
Further information
Jackie Gains (Programme Co-ordinator)
Informatics, University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9QJ, UK
T +44 1273 678030
F +44 1273 877873
For more information, please visit official website.
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