The Department of Mathematics at Tennessee Technological University

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The Department of Mathematics at Tennessee Technological University

The Department of Mathematics at Tennessee Technological University offers scholarships and awards for students and graduate students. Additional scholarships for incoming students specializing in math can be obtained from the Office of Financial Aid. For information about eligibility, please contact Dr. Alan Mills, the interim chairman of the department of mathematics or by calling (931) 372-3441.

To apply, please contact Financial Aid Office at (931) 372-3073 or (800) 255-8881.

For more information on additional university scholarships, financial aid, and how to apply, please contact,
Financial Aid Office, Box 5076
Tennessee Technological University
Cookeville, Tennessee 38505-0001
(931) 372-3073 or (800) 255-8881
FAX (931) 372-6309

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