2011 MBA Scholarships at University of Westminster, UK

Bagi anda yang sedang mencari informasi tentang 2011 MBA Scholarships at University of Westminster, UK maka di bawah ini Informasi Kuliah Indonesia kelaskaryawansabtuminggu.com menyampaikan tentang 2011 MBA Scholarships at University of Westminster, UK sebagai berikut:

2011 MBA Scholarships at University of Westminster, UK

Study Subject: MBA
Employer: University of Westminster
Level: Masters

Fee waivers to the value of £1,500 per annum over five years (total value £7,500). If you successfully complete within four years, the final £1,500 will be paid as a cash graduation award.

You must be from the UK or another EU country and hold an offer for a part-time undergraduate degree. You must intend to study at least 50 per cent of the full-time programme, ie, four modules (60 credits) per academic year. You must not have studied substantially at first degree level previously.

Academic excellence and financial need. Priority will be given to you if you are from a low income family with no history of degree level study.

Baca Juga:   Fully Funded Doctoral Scholarships in Engineering, Kochi University of Technology, Japan

Scholarship Application Deadline: 31 August 2011

Visit Official Website.

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